The Fake Door Method


Test the Initial Level of Interest (ILI) in a yet-to-be-developed product or service by creating artefacts that suggest that the product exists and it’s available to see if people would buy it.


We know everyone loves Justin Bieber, but would they buy a Justin Bieber doll? The best way to find out is by using a Fake Door! Set up a basic landing page advertising the dolls (before they exist), asking people to buy. If anyone clicks the button and shows that they're willing to take the action you're looking for, let them know they've been placed on the waitlist for more stock coming soon.


BurnerPage: build and distribute quick landing pages and collect feedback with just a few clicks and no code.

Rapidly: helps you work out which ideas you should invest in, by tracking your experiments and using data to tell you what will work.


The Façade Method